When fire or structural damage causes a property to become structurally unsound, the appraised value may be affected. A field inspection of the property is required to determine the extent of the value impact.
Archives: FAQs
How does the general maintenance and condition of my property influence its value?
The market value of your property is not affected by the general maintenance of your property. Repairs (such as a new roof, fresh paint or landscaping neither add nor detract from the property value for assessment purposes. While these types of repairs can be costly, they are considered to be normal maintenance expenses that all properties incur over time.
How do appraisers determine the market value of my property?
Our appraisal company will inspect all properties to ensure that our records reflect actual property characteristics. They will then review and verify market sales and study cost and income data.
They will then complete a market analysis using Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) software system by comparing properties of similar size, age, location and description. Finally, they will establish reappraisal values that reflect current market conditions as of the lien date for real property (January 1) of the appropriate reappraisal year.
How are appraised values established?
Your property value is based on these two key factors:
- Your property’s current use (such as home, business, unimproved land, etc.).
- Your property’s characteristics: Location, Improvement Size (Total Living Area), Age (Effective Age of Property), Quality of Construction and Amenities (such as bathroom count, garage, carport, view, etc.)
What is an Appraisal?
An appraisal is an opinion of market value as of a specific date.
Is my property exempt?
The first question to be answered to determine if a property is exempt is, what property in Arkansas is exempt from taxation?
The Arkansas Constitution is very specific in determining what property is exempt, that being; (1) public property used exclusively for public purposes; (2) churches used as such; (3) cemeteries used exclusively as such; (4) school buildings and apparatus; (5) libraries and grounds used exclusively for school purposes; and (6) buildings and grounds and material used exclusively for charity, Ark. Constitution Art. 16 Sec. 5. (7) All capital invested in a textile mill for the manufacture of cotton and fiber goods in any manner is exempt for seven years from the date of the location of said mill, Arkansas Constitution Amd. 12. (8) Intangible personal property may be designated as one or more classes of personal property and such class or classes may be exempted by the legislature, Arkansas Constitution Amd. 57. All intangible personal property has been exempted by the legislature, ACA 26-3-302. Household furniture and furnishings, clothing, appliances, and other personal property within the home, if not held for sale, rental, or other commercial or professional use, are exempt, Arkansas Constitution Amd. 71.
Who makes the decision as to whether a property is exempt or not?
The assessor and the assessor alone has the full and sole authority to make the decision, but the decision is subject to appeal, The assessor will use the guidelines specified above, court decisions, and statutory mandates to determine exemption status.
How do I apply for exemption?
1. You need to fill out an exemption application which can be obtained on line or by coming to the office. This document, as well as other requested documents will be used in making a determination. If you do not agree with the determination you do have the right to appeal the assessors decision.
2. What property in Arkansas is exempt from taxation? (1) public property used exclusively for public purposes; (2) churches used as such; (3) cemeteries used exclusively as such; (4) school buildings and apparatus; (5) libraries and grounds used exclusively for school purposes; and (6) buildings and grounds and material used exclusively for charity, Ark. Constitution Art. 16 Sec. 5. (7) All capital invested in a textile mill for the manufacture of cotton and fiber goods in any manner is exempt for seven years from the date of the location of said mill, Arkansas Constitution Amd. 12. (8) Intangible personal property may be designated as one or more classes of personal property and such class or classes may be exempted by the legislature, Arkansas Constitution Amd. 57. All intangible personal property has been exempted by the legislature, ACA 26-3-302. Household furniture and furnishings, clothing, appliances, and other personal property within the home, if not held for sale, rental, or other commercial or professional use, are exempt, Arkansas Constitution Amd. 71.
3. Are there any uses of property not contained in the constitution that are exempt? No, all laws exempting property from taxation, other than as provided in the constitution, shall be void, Arkansas Constitution Art.16 Sec. 6. This section is a limitation upon the legislature to exempt property, Brodie v. Fitzgerald, 57 Ark. 445, 22 S.W. 29 (1893), Wayland v. Snapp, 232 Ark 57, 334 S.W.2d 633 (1960).
How are mobile homes assessed?
Although there are no deeds filed for mobile homes (MH), they are assessed as real estate. When you purchase a mobile home, it will be listed on your personal assessment at zero value. We do this, to verify your ownership (did not sell during prior year) when you assess your personal property.
What is the difference between personal property and real estate?
Personal property consists of cars, trailers, and motor homes. Real estate includes land, houses, mobile homes, fixed improvements and more.
I own two parcels of land. Is it possible to have my two parcels combined?
We will be glad to look and see if AACD rules will allow them to be combined. If so, we will combine the parcel.
I need a new legal description for my house/land. Would you please write one for me?
The law states that only an attorney or a surveyor can write/create legal descriptions in the state of Arkansas.