Although the appeals process may seem like a difficult process it really is not. If you believe that your home is not valued correctly begin by speaking with our office about how we go about determining value. If after this discussion you are still of the belief that your home is not valued correctly then we can arrange for you to discuss your concerns directly with our appraiser (called an informal hearing). If you are not satisfied with the results of this meeting we will arrange for you to meet with the Equalization Board. The Equalization Board normally meets in the months of August and September to hear assessment appeals. Appointments may be scheduled prior to the meetings starting in August by calling the County Clerk (870-853-2020), from July 1 through the third Monday in August. If after this meeting you are still not satisfied with the results you can appeal their decision to the County Court which is presided over by the County Judge. Appeals of the decision of the County Court are done through the Circuit and higher courts.
When and how can I appeal my assessment?
Real Property Questions